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'Games Non-People Play'

... the lead single from the band's debut album:  'Mollusk'

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ORGANISMS at the Norwich Art Centre (NAC), May 2017                                                              Photo by Richard Shashamane

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'MOLLUSK' - the first album from O R G A N I S M S

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O R G A N I S M S  evolved from a blend of musicians influenced by folk, rock, psychedelia, doomy-moody, melodramatic-bluesy, early garage rock and the odd trace of Americana. The title of the album 'Mollusk' has been taken from a group of creatures which are predominately found in the sea. Like the band's music, these creatures can sometimes be found gracefully sliding over gritty beds of silt and slime or they can be gliding amongst the weed of the seabed.  Another time they can be found surprisingly jet-propelling themselves into deeper fathoms and darker places. Sometimes they can be illuminating! That is if they don't choose to hide inside their shells .... a bit like the band really: